Bahasa version originally presented and published for Comicbook Discussion: Building Comic Character, at Kinokuniya Bookstore, Pondok Indah Mall 2, Jakarta, a joint event by Kinokuniya Bookstore, Akademi Samali and, March 27th 2006

Just as in cinema, comic also recognizes leading actors/ actresses in every story. Each one has a role in building and gave the story life. Each role has a unique character, which in the end gave uniqueness in each script.

In the history of world’s comic publishing, billions of comic characters were born (and died). Just like in cinema and other art media, a character will be remembered for eternal, and there are characters that will vanish from our memories. All depended on how the creator/ writer built their characters. Just as the Mighty Creator created this world and its inhabitants, comic writers also wanted to gave ‘life’ to their creations.

Do you still remember those comic characters (and characters originally not in comic format) such as Zorro, Prince Valiant, Mandrake The Magician, Snoopy, Beetle Bailey, Garfield, The Born Loser, Batman, Spiderman, Tintin, Wolverine, Superman, Modesty Blaise, Vampirella, Asterix, Tiger Wong, and this list will never end although we go on to Indonesian comic characters such as Si Buta Dari Gua Hantu, Panji Tengkorak, Gundala Putera Petir, and so on. Almost all those legendary and timeless comic icons were icons that have strong character, of course with strong script as well.

The best example in building strong characters was Mahabharata, originally from India. Indonesians know them in the form of ‘pewayangan’ since centuries ago and often played to royal and public in the format of shadow and wooden puppets, paintings, and dance theaters. Strong characters in each leading role blended in many tribal cultures. The values in Mahabharata integrated with some part of Indonesian culture. Some even believed these characters actually existed in life many centuries ago. The virtuosity of the writer in building strong characters was proven.

What is the secret recipe in making a strong comic character? Whatever the answer is, the secret recipe won’t be far different with the formula in literaturem cinema and theater. All have similarity in giving life and uniqueness, plus played an important role in the story. Every writer could be inspired from the society and enivonment. Studying their friends, families, siblings, lovers, and whoever in their life was very useful in building a character. Looking for many references and exploration of imagination were other important variables in establishing the character.

Creativity couldn’t be separated from process learning. Some people might have the ability and extraordinary gift in establishing strong characters since the first time they wrote them. However it was normal when a person passed the learning process and continously improve the work. In time their work will lead to perfection.

In this special event, comicbook discussion Building Comic Character is honoured to to have a legend in national comicscene. Hasmi (which real name is Harya Suraminata) will share his experience in building and establishing an icon in Indonesian comics, Gundala Putera Petir. His experience is a priceless for all of us, comicbook lovers. A wise man once said that experience is the best teacher.


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